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Toney Elementary

Dekalb County Schools

Media Center

Toney Elementary School

Library Media Center

Meet the Teacher Librarian

Nancy Cullison, Teacher-Librarian/Media Specialist


The mission of the Toney Elementary School Library & Media Program is to ensure that students, faculty and staff are effective users of ideas and information by providing materials which will enrich and support the instructional program while addressing the differnect abilities, needs, and interest levels of students at Toney.  For more information about the TES Library and Media Program please contact our teacher librarian, Nancy Cullison at 678.874.2102 or via email.

Monthly Character Traits

MonthCharacter Trait
AugustHonestyOrally retell the story to a family member. Include as many details as possible.
SeptemberResponsibilityRead for 10 minutes or more to a family member.

As they look at the pictures of the story, encourage them to look for clues about Ron’s early interest in space. 

Students can sort behaviors according to where the kindness could occur (home, school, neighborhood). 
DecemberRespectA respectful /not respectful sorting activity to get students thinking about actions.
JanuaryCompassionateDiscuss ways you can be compassionate. Draw one way you have shown compassion.
FebruaryEmpathyWrite a poem on empathy.
MarchSelf-ControlList ways you can demonstrate self-control at home and school.
CooperativeOrally retell the story to a family member. Include as many details as possible.
MayConfidentRead for 10 minutes or more to a family member.